Xmas Shopping | OOTD VLOG


It’s that time of the year again. 

Not the time everyone’s looking forward to for months (XMAS), but the time BEFORE that.


I’m definitely one of those people who make an actual list with the people & the gift ideas of what I wanna get for each one of them. If you loved the holidays just as much as me, then you would understand that hardcore preparation and list making for Xmas is VITAL for my happiness this time of the year. My true, cheeseball self really comes out during winter. I just love buying lots of awesome things for those I love, because I know how much they really deserve it. Although I try to get the best gifts for everyone, I always wish I could get them more and more and more. And I know a lot of people who can relate to this. You just wanna give the whole world to those you love. 

Thankfully, a couple of days ago I was finally able to start my Xmas shopping this year.  Since finding a comfortable, not too cold & not too hot (cause cold weather outside & hot as balls inside the mall), and slightly stylish outfit can be a challenge for everyone, I thought it’d be a great opportunity to share an OOTD. I went shopping with my dad, and before we got to selling our souls in exchange for Xmas gifts, I ever so kindly asked him to snap some pics and vids for me. 

Originally I was just gonna post some photos on my blog, but since I’m a bit YouTube crazed lately, I also decided to make a video to show the clothes even better. All the pics are below, and here is the link to the video I put on my YouTube channel (Mayra Popa) which includes deets about the clothes:  


Bucharest Xmas Market | Vlog



This past week my fam and I wanted to go to check out the local Christmas Market in Bucharest. I’m spending the holidays here and I definitely wanna do as many festive things as I can. I’m a sucker for Xmas activities, I’m sorry. But I really can’t help it. 

Although the drive there took a long ass time, the whole city is currently decorated with Christmas lights, so at least it was enjoyable because of that (and the Christmas music on the radio, ofc). As soon as we got there I was so surprised by the VERY large amount of lights they had up at the market. Not only were there lights in every direction you looked, but there were lots of different colours and designs. It was truly gorgeous, and definitely Christmas appropriate.. As I had expected, most of the things that were available for sale at the market were hand made items. All from scratch, and with Romanian materials. Somehow, most things were also very well priced. Unfortunately, because I was taking videos and photographs, taking money out of my backpack was a huge pain in the ass. So I only bought hot wine (Romanian traditional drink for winter time) and a fried potato chip swirly thingy (I’m fob & clueless). I wish I would’ve bought a scarf or something useful like that, but maybe next time. (Probably not.)

Here is the vlog on my YouTube again:


For all the photos, click on the link below. But first, here’s a sneak peak. 

