Empire State of Mind | Travel Journal


As I get ready to leave New York and move on to the next adventure, I will slowly start sharing more photographs that I’ve taken over the past months of the city.

The first pictures I want everyone to see are the ones I took the day I went to the Empire State building and the beautiful sunset that I got to see from up there. It was a super busy day, and the line-ups were frustratingly long. But it’s definitely worth the wait and something that anyone who goes to NYC has to experience at least once. Due to construction the highest floor which is 102th, was closed. So we had to settle for the 86th floor, but of course, it was still incredible! The best decision that I made during my tourist days in NYC was without a doubt to go to the Empire State building during the day, but stay until after the sunset. That way you can see both of best worlds – you get to see the city transform. As more and more lights were being lit up inside the buildings around you, you really start to feel the city become alive.

*Unfortunately, I didn’t have my camera with me, so all the photos were taken on my iPhone 5. Which means the quality isn’t the best, but still worth a peek, I promise!


More photos below!


A Denim Love Affair | New Obsession


Denim denim denim denim denim denim denim.

That’s all that’s been on my mind for the past few months.

Not sure why, when, or how, my obsession with everything denim has started but it’s definitely in full force now and here to stay. Lately, I’ve become a die hard fan for clothing that screams: practical, minimal, classic. Denim fits in all those three categories. While in my search for the photos that I share in this post, I’ve come across tons in which denim is used in such creative ways – more than just jeans or a vest. Designers are being rebellious and innovative and using this fabric in as many different ways for pieces you wouldn’t think denim would fit for.

I can say with confidence that my current favourite items in my wardrobe are all denim – including my American Apparel denim scrunchie… YUP. My shopping list is basically just a variety of items that are made out of denim and I got most of my inspiration from the photos that I have found from all over the internet for this post! Hope they’re as inspiring to you as they were for me. 




Procrastination is a horrible habit that many seem to be struggling with, but it personally leads me to discover wonderful things. Case in point, instead of writing my papers for school, I have spent the past few hours finding and downloading new music. 

I am not a music critic and I don’t like to judge music. If you want to read reviews on the music I choose to share on my blog please find some yourself! I believe all music should be appreciated; because to someone, even if it’s just to the creator of the work, it means something and there’s a connection that I try to understand with any piece of music. Keeping that in mind, I just want to show everyone some of the latest music that I’ve recently been listening to non stop. 


Click on the link below to see some details about what four albums I have recently fallen in love with! 

First artist I wanna share is Nick Hakim. I heard of him for the first time a few weeks ago, when I attended a showcase at a venue in Brooklyn. Three different bands/artists performed. Although they were all very unique and special in their own way , he stood out to me the most. Following that night, I actually had been very busy with school and moving into a new apartment, so I had no free time to just listen to music and really enjoy myself. So I had to put off researching him and his music until recently. But better later than never. Now I have all his music in my iTunes and am slightly addicted to his feel good and raw sound. My personal fave songs of his are: I Don’t Know, Sleep, Pour Another and The Light. (It was very hard to choose because he doesn’t have TOO many songs out & I love them all. I chose based on the fact that those were the first ones I heard from him.) Link to his soundcloud where you can hear his beautiful music: https://soundcloud.com/enhakim

Next musical work I want to share with everyone is an EP by RY X called Berlin. I just downloaded it and some other music of his – although I’ve known about it for quite a while and have just been using YouTube to listen to it. If you enjoy listening to the kind of music that takes you to a whole different place, somewhere far far away, and makes you sad about things that are not even going on in your life, this is exactly what you need. His music soothes the soul; puts my mind at ease and makes me question everything at the same time.Here is a link to his soundcloud (scroll down for the EP): https://soundcloud.com/ry-x

Next up on the list is I Don’t Like Shit, I Don’t Go Outside by Earl Sweatshirt. In my opinion, the best way to appreciate the songs on there is to blast the album on speakers, just chill on your bed, and draw or do something to express yourself and your feelings. Let your inner artist come out and light up a blunt. I really love Earl’s rapping voice and the tracks are all very well done. My faves from the album are: DNA feat. Na’kel, AM // Radio feat. Wiki, Grief, and Wool feat. Vince Staples. Link to a YouTube playlist of the album: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slyBSj97M3U&list=PLAq43Ui2LYBcecfUUmIncRRCOFRBip522

Last album I want to share with y’all is Outkast’s debut album called Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik. Every song is a jam and they’re appropriate to listen to in pretty much any situation. Which is why it’s so easy to love the album as a whole. Although I’ve had the album in my iTunes for a while, I’ve just recently started getting obsessed and listening to it non stop. My faves from the album are: Ain’t No Thang, Funky Ride, Hootie Hoo, Git Up Git Out, Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik, Call of Da Wild, and D.E.E.P.. Link to a YouTube playlist of the album: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7ZiiDi80ZE&list=PLiPFnhsiN6AV1RM4Vhiso0UbEoM7Srou4

A Valentine’s Day Story || Head Over Heels in Love With NYC

This post is a week too late, but school and other things have been keeping me very busy lately. But, better late than never!

First off, here’s a peek at my outfit for the day. I’ve discovered that the hardest task is trying to look good when it’s THIS cold. Kind of difficult to look like a human at all if you’re face is frozen and tomato red. Anyways, I was wearing Topshop coat, Zara black jeans, Urban Outfitters heels, backpack from random vintage shop in Paris, scarf from Aldo, and scrunchie American Apparel.

Valentine’s Day in NYC was special. The city was just full of love and huge crowds of people everywhere we went. We decided to spend the day walking around Times Square, then go for dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe, and watch American Sniper afterwards (the most unromantic movie we could’ve picked). Originally we wanted to go to the Empire State Building, but it was super foggy and not worth it to waste the tickets.

Walking around Times Square we were surrounded by girls holding roses, with huge smiles on their faces. It was so cute and heart warming seeing so many people filled with joy and love. It was refreshing – on a normal day, you walk around and everyone’s faces are just blank stares. Thinking about work, school, daily problems. It was amazing to see people walk around with genuine smiles on their faces, and chocolate in their hands to give to those they love. (PS – for all the pics I took from that day, click on the link at the end of this post!)

After we waited for about two hours to get our table at the Hard Rock Cafe, we finally were able to order our food, which was DELICIOUS (100% recommend the huge appetizer sampler platter). Since I’ve never been to one of their locations before, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. But I was pleasantly surprised with how laid back the atmosphere was. They had all genres of music playing just loud enough for a dinner setting, and lots of TVs to watch the music videos on every wall. All the servers sang (screamed) along to the lyrics whenever they weren’t speaking to customers. It was such a great experience, I’m really glad I got to share it with Ronald on this very special day. At the end of the dinner we got a free Hard Rock pin because we’re so awesome. In the end, the dinner was really lovely.

I hope you all had a lovely V-day, and remember to spread the love and cherish those you care about every day of the year!

For more pics of my outfit & all the other ones I took from that day, click on the link below!

The Pillow Mist and Body Wash that Turned Me Into a Bath & Body Works Addict

This week I’ve discovered two things that have changed my life. I don’t mean to be dramatic; but both of these products are actually AMAZING and a very nice surprise from Bath & Body Works.


For a full description and more detail about these products click on the “read more” link below! 🙂 

    I’ve always hated air fresheners; they all smell the same and are disgustingly strong. Which led me to feel pretty ecstatic when I’ve figured out how to make my room smell fresh w/o using one – pillow mist! Last week I had no clue such thing even existed, but now I’m quite addicted.
    This specific pillow mist that I’m drooling over is from the new Aromatherapy line, and it is from the Sleep section. It is a lavender oil and vanilla mix. Both of these elements help to calm any feelings of stress and in result you will be able to sleep better as well. Its main purpose is to enhance sleep. You’re only supposed to spray a little bit over your pillow and sheets, but I use it for waaaay more than that. I spray it in my room all the time, as well as in the bathroom whenever I take a bath to add a relaxing scent. I feel like spraying it only on my pillow seems like a waste for such a great product.


Aromatherapy (Sleep) Lavender Vanilla Pillow Mist – $10

     And now, the second part of my big discovery, would have to be the Body Wash & Foam Bath. It’s also part of the new Aromatherapy line, but from the Stress Relief section.
     What drew me in about this product, and the real reason I bought this Body Wash & Foam Bath, was that it’s a body wash and you can also use as bubble bath (which is what I was initially looking for when I walked in the store). This was also another thing that I didn’t know existed or was possible. But in all honesty, I love it because the eucalyptus oil and tea mixture is refreshing and calming. I’m glad I can use it as body wash as well as bubble bath. It’s very soothing and leaves your skin smooth after you use it (either as bubble bath or body wash).


Aromatherapy (Stress Relief) Eucalyptus Tea Body Wash & Foam Bath – $8 

      The lovely pillow mist, along with the bubble bath are the best purchases I’ve made in a while. They have the greatest smells and are overall great products. From experience, unlike the rest of the products at Bath & Body Works, these ones both have long lasting fragrances. A very critical thing in my opinion when it comes to the quality of the products.
      I would strongly recommend both of these products (and most likely everything else from Aromatherapy) to everyone who loves heavenly smells!

*One big bonus for both products (and the rest from this line) is that they were not tested on animals!

Tonight I Fell In Love with NYC | A Brisk Walk With America On My Back

For the past few days I’ve been sick as ever, and trying to get better, but it’s just not happening. I stayed in bed for most of the day, but I couldn’t go to bed knowing I am in NYC and not exploring the city at least a wee bit. If I wasn’t staying here for a year I definitely would’ve been out all day, everyday – sick or not. But since I’ll be spending quite some time here, I decided to take it easy and make sure I stay healthy for this new and exciting journey :-).

Right before the sunset, we left the house and decided to go for a little walk around Manhattan. We got off the subway stop close to Central Park; naturally we wanted to see what the park is like at night. The most beautiful thing about the park at night, other than the vast areas covered in blankets of snow, in my opinion, are all the dazzling buildings that surround it. You can see them all peeking through the massive trees, and it’s a sight like no other. It’s a very unique, and special feeling; when you do a 360 turn, and it becomes clear that you’re inside one of the most famous parks in the world, and the countless lights from alluring buildings make you feel like you’re in the centre of the Universe.

After a very cold 10 minute walk in Central Park, we realized we wouldn’t be able to be out for much longer. Wishing to see as many things as we could before going home, we left and went on 5th Ave. Being amongst all these big, and bright stores on this street, I realized just how numbing the atmosphere in the city really is. It almost feels like a dream. No matter where you turn, where you look, something is always happening. Something is always going on. New York City is full of life, full of people driven to succeed. It’s inspiring just being in the middle of it all. Breathing the same air as so many others who have achieved incredible dreams is certainly motivating.

While on this lovely walk, I wore the red suede shoes that my mom gave me a while ago, matching red earrings (vintage clip ons), as well as a jacket with the American flag on the back (bought from a thrift store in Vancouver). My black pants are from Zara, and I matched them with a black fisherman from American Apparel. Due to the cold I wasn’t able to take too many pictures, and I was also way too in the moment to take out my camera. But the few photos that I did take still show the beauty of the city. Hope you all enjoy them!




   As AMAZING as New York City is, there’s no denying in how uncomfortably cold it is here. No matter how many layers you wear, and how much you try to avoid becoming an icicle, there’s simply no mercy. Being from Vancouver and all, I thought I’d be ready for the freezing weather, but I didn’t expect it to be quite like this. I’m honestly quite impressed with how well New Yorkers are dealing with the situation, and just sucking it up, going about their day despite the low temperatures. As soon as I can’t feel my toes any more, and my face starts to go numb, that’s when I know I have to return back to my cozy bed, with some hot drink in my hand to warm me up again.

   Today, Ronald and I went on a lovely little walk while running some errands around the city. I visited my school again, and then we went out to grab some lunch while hoping to warm up. After, of course, I forced Ronald to take some pictures of me so that I could share with everyone my outfit for the day. Then right after, we pretty much speed walked back to the subway and then home to get away from the cold.

   The white coat I was wearing is my new favourite piece of clothing for the winter! It is from Urban Outfitters and I bought it on Black Friday at 50% off the SALE price. It’s super comfy and I love love love it.
The shoes are from Urban Outfitters, and I bought them off someone on Craigslist, wooooooooo. Pants are the black Haydens from Topshop (100% my favourite jeans at the moment), and the bag & black turtleneck are from H&M (I’ve had it for aprox. 4 years). All the items that are part of this outfit, are individually my favourite items in my closet right now.

Blurry Roads Bring Me Clarity | White Pine, Sushi Cali & other things I love

Second roll developed, another opportunity to show you all what the past week has been like for me – in pictures. Although I’ve been very busy packing and getting ready to move to THE BIG APPLE, I’ve made sure to save some time to explore a wee bit. It’s really important to me, that before I leave, I can visit some of my favourite places again for the last time. (aka White Pine, Sushi Cali, and Cora’s).

Below, I’ve posted a little poem I wrote. My love for cliche, cheesy poems is probably transparent after you read this one. The poem was inspired by one of the photos I have shared in this post. (just look out for the photo, it says so underneath it!)

                                 Blurry Roads Bring Me Clarity

           Your peace is found when you drive around,
           and music is blasting from the wrecked speakers.
           You’re finally feeling safe and sound,
           with the company of your dearest people.

          The wonder and curiosity
          push you through the hazy, misty forests.
          The fear of boring normality,
          brings you infinite power to re-discover,
          whenever you’re at your lowest.

          The daunting fog washes over you,
           purifies you of your worst sins,
           Allows you to renew yourself,
           explore some new, and untouched things.

           Although the vision might be blurry,
           your path is set clear.
           In spite of all things crushing you into despair,
           you know the right direction, in which to you have to steer.


White Pine on a foggy day – January 25th, 2014


My #1 addiction – Sushi Cali. I’m there pretty much everyday; I wish this was an exaggeration.  



White Pine on a foggy day – January 25th, 2014


White Pine on a foggy day – January 25th, 2014


White Pine on a foggy day – January 25th, 2014


White Pine on a foggy day – January 25th, 2014


Sushi & the bae


The photo which inspired the title for this post – “Blurry Roads Bring Me Clarity”


Beach and Forests

Cora’s with Ronnie

Random ass place, but very beautiful nonetheless

 Random ass place, but very beautiful nonetheless – part.2

My window 🙂

Monopoly has taken over our lives  

Bambi is the cutest lil slice of cutie pie

A Treat for the Soul | Oscar and The Wolf and Theophilus London | ♪

A Treat for the Soul is going to be the section of MAYZAT where I will be sharing my favourite music and artists. This is the first post of that section; hope this gives everyone a better look into what MAYZAT is about, and that you can make a connection with the music just as much as I have!

   The greatest thing that youtube provides us with, is their random ass suggestion bar. Thankfully, a few weeks ago, this widget actually did a great job at suggesting me a great band called Oscar and The Wolf. As soon as I listened to the song Joakim (LISTEN TO IT HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwT2kmral3A&spfreload=10 ), I knew I would love anything else that they’ve ever released. 
    So I looked them up, and saw that they’ve only released one album so far, called Entity. Naturally, I downloaded their debut album right away, and I’m very glad I did so. Every song on Entity is special, and makes me feel like I am in that this-is-where-you-can’t-hold-your-tears-anymore-because-they-just-realized-they-can’t-be-together part of a movie, and they’re playing the soundtrack. Oscar and the Wolf will be the perfect band to listen to when you want to feel like rethinking your entire life and want your soul crumble for a lil bit.  You can check out all their songs on their soundcloud at the following link. My fave songs of theirs are Joakim, Somebody Wants You, Nora, Dream Car Ocean Drive, and, Bloom (Oh My Baby). https://soundcloud.com/gotmyboysinthewater


   I am eternally grateful that my friend, Ian, introduced me to the great Theophilus London. When he told me about him the first time a few months ago, he introduced me to one of my new favourite artists.
    His music isn’t anything you expect, and is definitely a very pleasant surprise when you give his new album, Vibes, a first listen. Theo’s whole image is so intriguing and something about his sound is very unique. He is also an artist that Kanye West is a huge supporter of and is predicting to be very successful due to the combination of his special sounds that no other artist can touch, and his awesome style. My top songs off Vibes are Water Me, Neu Law, Can’t Stop, Figure It Out, Need Somebody, and Do Girls. 
    Below I’ve posted a link to my #1 fave off Vibes, Can’t Stop, which features Kanye West. Give it a listen! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lo9JXEuyGY&spfreload=10
If you go on his soundcloud (https://soundcloud.com/theophilusl) you will be able to find all the songs there. 

Love, Mayra. ♥


 Finally, my first blog post. I’ve been brainstorming ideas and working on the development of MAYZAT for so long now. It got too be too stressful, because I had high expectations and put a lot of pressure on myself to come up with unique ideas. So I took a few steps back and some time off from overthinking the design of the blog. That was, until this morning, when I stumbled across my notes which I wrote when I first started thinking about creating an outlet to share some of my favourite daily things with others. 
  So I’ve decided – starting today, I will try my best to post on this blog at least once a week. I will be sharing pictures I’ve taken either with my film camera, or my iPhone. I will post music that I feel is worth a listen & others could make a connection with. You will also see some occasional poetry and short stories that I’ve written; as well as ANYTHING else that inspires me or sparks an interest. Such as photographs, videos, films, or stories/articles created by others that I’ve discovered on the world wide web.

   On Xmas, my dearest bff, Sara, bought me the greatest gift of all – a film camera. She’s had one for a very long time, and I’ve been very vocal about how badly I’ve wanted to buy one as well. She couldn’t have bought me a better prezzie. After two weeks of being super excited about my new most prized possession, and taking pictures of everything I could, I went to develop my film. Only to find out that for some reason, no pictures showed up on the roll. Upset, but very determined, I bought three more films. Today, another two weeks later, I picked up my developed roll. ALL THE PICTURES WERE ACTUALLY THERE! Here is a sneak peek of some of those pictures, with a brief description of each.