The MET Experience


During the eleven months I lived in New York, I never got to do many tourist-y things. At first, I was too busy trying to find a place to live. Then, school was keeping me so busy that all I wanted to do when I had free time, was stay at home and be lazy. But thankfully, after I finished school I had a whole week to visit museums & such before leaving the big apple.In this post I’m gonna share with you my experience at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the many pictures I took there. 

I don’t enjoy doing things like this alone, so I dragged my roommate Tania along. We got there a bit later than anticipated, so there wasn’t much time, but we made it work. We looked at the museum’s map and chose the exhibits we wanted to make sure we got to see. To my surprise, it was hauntingly empty – but it gave me the opportunity to photograph most of the art without others being in the way (which is very rare). Because I had heard so many great things and people hyped up this museum so much, I definitely had high expectations. From the moment I left home, and until we left, I was making comparisons to the Louvre in my head the whole time. And by the end, I realized that unfortunately not even the MET comes close to being as amazing and breath taking as the Louvre is. But that’s just my personal, humble opinion. To me, it seemed like most of those incredibly large rooms didn’t have enough things to fill them up, so they felt empty. On the other hand, the areas that were completely full, seemed to be so at random; it was a little bit confusing. It’s also worth it to mention that, this museum is an actual maze. We probably got lost every 10 minutes, and I don’t consider myself to be a person with a lack of orientation at all. But despite all those things, it’s still an iconic place & a New York landmark definitely worth a visit. You can spend more than a day there trying to see all the amazing art and exhibits they have!

*For all the photos from the MET, click on the link below. 


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