Procrastination is a horrible habit that many seem to be struggling with, but it personally leads me to discover wonderful things. Case in point, instead of writing my papers for school, I have spent the past few hours finding and downloading new music. 

I am not a music critic and I don’t like to judge music. If you want to read reviews on the music I choose to share on my blog please find some yourself! I believe all music should be appreciated; because to someone, even if it’s just to the creator of the work, it means something and there’s a connection that I try to understand with any piece of music. Keeping that in mind, I just want to show everyone some of the latest music that I’ve recently been listening to non stop. 


Click on the link below to see some details about what four albums I have recently fallen in love with! 

First artist I wanna share is Nick Hakim. I heard of him for the first time a few weeks ago, when I attended a showcase at a venue in Brooklyn. Three different bands/artists performed. Although they were all very unique and special in their own way , he stood out to me the most. Following that night, I actually had been very busy with school and moving into a new apartment, so I had no free time to just listen to music and really enjoy myself. So I had to put off researching him and his music until recently. But better later than never. Now I have all his music in my iTunes and am slightly addicted to his feel good and raw sound. My personal fave songs of his are: I Don’t Know, Sleep, Pour Another and The Light. (It was very hard to choose because he doesn’t have TOO many songs out & I love them all. I chose based on the fact that those were the first ones I heard from him.) Link to his soundcloud where you can hear his beautiful music:

Next musical work I want to share with everyone is an EP by RY X called Berlin. I just downloaded it and some other music of his – although I’ve known about it for quite a while and have just been using YouTube to listen to it. If you enjoy listening to the kind of music that takes you to a whole different place, somewhere far far away, and makes you sad about things that are not even going on in your life, this is exactly what you need. His music soothes the soul; puts my mind at ease and makes me question everything at the same time.Here is a link to his soundcloud (scroll down for the EP):

Next up on the list is I Don’t Like Shit, I Don’t Go Outside by Earl Sweatshirt. In my opinion, the best way to appreciate the songs on there is to blast the album on speakers, just chill on your bed, and draw or do something to express yourself and your feelings. Let your inner artist come out and light up a blunt. I really love Earl’s rapping voice and the tracks are all very well done. My faves from the album are: DNA feat. Na’kel, AM // Radio feat. Wiki, Grief, and Wool feat. Vince Staples. Link to a YouTube playlist of the album:

Last album I want to share with y’all is Outkast’s debut album called Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik. Every song is a jam and they’re appropriate to listen to in pretty much any situation. Which is why it’s so easy to love the album as a whole. Although I’ve had the album in my iTunes for a while, I’ve just recently started getting obsessed and listening to it non stop. My faves from the album are: Ain’t No Thang, Funky Ride, Hootie Hoo, Git Up Git Out, Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik, Call of Da Wild, and D.E.E.P.. Link to a YouTube playlist of the album:

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