Finally, my first blog post. I’ve been brainstorming ideas and working on the development of MAYZAT for so long now. It got too be too stressful, because I had high expectations and put a lot of pressure on myself to come up with unique ideas. So I took a few steps back and some time off from overthinking the design of the blog. That was, until this morning, when I stumbled across my notes which I wrote when I first started thinking about creating an outlet to share some of my favourite daily things with others. 
  So I’ve decided – starting today, I will try my best to post on this blog at least once a week. I will be sharing pictures I’ve taken either with my film camera, or my iPhone. I will post music that I feel is worth a listen & others could make a connection with. You will also see some occasional poetry and short stories that I’ve written; as well as ANYTHING else that inspires me or sparks an interest. Such as photographs, videos, films, or stories/articles created by others that I’ve discovered on the world wide web.

   On Xmas, my dearest bff, Sara, bought me the greatest gift of all – a film camera. She’s had one for a very long time, and I’ve been very vocal about how badly I’ve wanted to buy one as well. She couldn’t have bought me a better prezzie. After two weeks of being super excited about my new most prized possession, and taking pictures of everything I could, I went to develop my film. Only to find out that for some reason, no pictures showed up on the roll. Upset, but very determined, I bought three more films. Today, another two weeks later, I picked up my developed roll. ALL THE PICTURES WERE ACTUALLY THERE! Here is a sneak peek of some of those pictures, with a brief description of each. 

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