A Treat for the Soul | Oscar and The Wolf and Theophilus London | ♪

A Treat for the Soul is going to be the section of MAYZAT where I will be sharing my favourite music and artists. This is the first post of that section; hope this gives everyone a better look into what MAYZAT is about, and that you can make a connection with the music just as much as I have!

   The greatest thing that youtube provides us with, is their random ass suggestion bar. Thankfully, a few weeks ago, this widget actually did a great job at suggesting me a great band called Oscar and The Wolf. As soon as I listened to the song Joakim (LISTEN TO IT HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwT2kmral3A&spfreload=10 ), I knew I would love anything else that they’ve ever released. 
    So I looked them up, and saw that they’ve only released one album so far, called Entity. Naturally, I downloaded their debut album right away, and I’m very glad I did so. Every song on Entity is special, and makes me feel like I am in that this-is-where-you-can’t-hold-your-tears-anymore-because-they-just-realized-they-can’t-be-together part of a movie, and they’re playing the soundtrack. Oscar and the Wolf will be the perfect band to listen to when you want to feel like rethinking your entire life and want your soul crumble for a lil bit.  You can check out all their songs on their soundcloud at the following link. My fave songs of theirs are Joakim, Somebody Wants You, Nora, Dream Car Ocean Drive, and, Bloom (Oh My Baby). https://soundcloud.com/gotmyboysinthewater


   I am eternally grateful that my friend, Ian, introduced me to the great Theophilus London. When he told me about him the first time a few months ago, he introduced me to one of my new favourite artists.
    His music isn’t anything you expect, and is definitely a very pleasant surprise when you give his new album, Vibes, a first listen. Theo’s whole image is so intriguing and something about his sound is very unique. He is also an artist that Kanye West is a huge supporter of and is predicting to be very successful due to the combination of his special sounds that no other artist can touch, and his awesome style. My top songs off Vibes are Water Me, Neu Law, Can’t Stop, Figure It Out, Need Somebody, and Do Girls. 
    Below I’ve posted a link to my #1 fave off Vibes, Can’t Stop, which features Kanye West. Give it a listen! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lo9JXEuyGY&spfreload=10
If you go on his soundcloud (https://soundcloud.com/theophilusl) you will be able to find all the songs there. 

Love, Mayra. ♥

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